SCIP Viewer and Converter

Our Solution for Efficient Handling of SCIP Dossiers

Discover the SCIP Viewer & Converter

In today's business world, REACh compliance is essential. The SCIP Viewer & Converter, an advanced web application, is specifically designed to help companies create, edit and submit SCIP dossiers.


Unsere Software ermöglicht es Ihnen, Daten schnell und effizient in das standardisierte IUCLID-Format (i6z) zu konvertieren, eine direkte Übermittlung der Dossiers via integrierter „System-to-System“-Schnittstelle an die SCIP-Datenbank durchzuführen und bestehende SCIP-Dossiers mit unserem Viewer in aufbereiteter Form einzusehen.

The benefits of the SCIP Viewer & Converter

  • Quick and easy conversion of data into SCIP dossiers
  • Direct "System-to-System" Submission to the SCIP Database
  • Viewer function for displaying existing dossiers
  • Integrated validation and support for error prevention
  • User-friendly management for users and organizations
  • Easy handling thanks to modern web app development

Your contact person

for SCIP Viewer & Converter

Katarina Schuldeis

Team Lead

SCIP Viewer & Converter - Features

  • 1. Vorlage vorbereiten:
First, an Excel template is used to collect and organize the necessary information for the SCIP dossier, such as information on chemical substances or products that must be submitted according to the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) requirements.
  • 2. i6z-Datei erstellen:
The information collected is converted into an i6z file, a standardised exchange format for the SCIP database. This i6z file forms the SCIP dossier, which contains all the necessary data and any attached documents in a structured form.
  • 3. Dossier-Funktionen:

  • Viewer:

Allows you to view the contents of an existing or newly created i6z file to check the data before submission.

  • Editor:

Allows you to edit the i6z file to correct, update or add data.

  • Converter:

Converts the Excel format into the i6z format, which is required for submission to the ECHA database.

  • Creator: 

Creates a new i6z file from the edited data in the editor or generates additional documentation required for submission.

  • 4. i6z-Datei herunterladen:
Completed i6z files can be downloaded and saved locally for your own data backup.
  • 5. Einreichung:
The completed i6z file is submitted via the ECHA Submission Portal, the interface for SCIP database submissions.
  • 6. SCIP-Datenbank:
After submission, the data is stored in the SCIP database. Transmission data such as the SCIP number of the transmitted dossiers or the submission number of the transmission can also be saved.
Would you like to see the functions and benefits for yourself?

Then apply for your free and non-binding test access here.

The following trailer provides a brief overview of our SCIP Viewer & Converter:

Requirements: Who is affected?

From January 2021, the REACH Regulation (Article 33(1)) and the Waste Directive (Article 9(1) and (2)) will require all companies that market or distribute chemical substances to submit their data to the SCIP database and information on "substances of very high concern (SVHC) in their products" - above 0.1 % by mass - to the ECHA database. This affects many industries, from electronics to construction materials.

Our tool makes it easy for companies to upload, edit or submit SCIP dossiers to the ECHA database.

The SCIP database: An overview

Initiated by the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA), the SCIP database serves as a central platform for the collection and provision of information on hazardous substances in products. It is an essential part of the implementation of the EU Waste Framework Directive and aims to provide information on products containing Candidate List substances throughout their life cycle, including the waste phase. This information is then made available to waste management companies and consumers.

Understanding the waste directives

The EU Waste Framework Directive promotes waste reduction and recycling by requiring manufacturers to publicly provide information on SVHCs in their products. The SCIP Viewer & Converter simplifies compliance with these requirements by providing a clear and simple solution for data submission.

Data requirements simplified

The SCIP database requires detailed information on the composition and safe use of products. With the SCIP Viewer & Converter, we make this process easier for you. Our tool helps you to submit the required information accurately and compliantly.

Testzugang zum SCIP Converter & Viewer

Katarina Schuldeis
Team-Lead SCIP Viewer & Converter

Was Sie erwartet:

  • Try SCIP Viewer & Converter free for 30 days.
  • Quick and easy set-up
  • Vollumfängliche Funktionen in der Testumgebung
  • Easy access via cloud
  • Übersichtliches Usermanagement

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